Alamo Cattle Co., Inc. was started in 1990-1991 as a company for buying calves, growing them and sometimes feeding cattle as a profit making vehicle. Cattle were never bought unless they could be hedged against the futures market at the time they were bought. For the most part, the program worked very well.
In my past time and on some occasions, I enjoy cooking for my family and friends, and also do some catering for certain groups. With the encouragement of several good friends, business associates, and family they talked me into putting my season business into motion.
On December 22, 2009 my son Gabriel and I came back with Alamo Cattle Co., Inc. as a seasoning company. We started manufacturing a new granulated seasoning called Alamo Cattle Co., Inc. “Special Formula.” It’s labeled for beef, pork, & poultry. It also has on the label a recommended recipe for beef and pork. Seasoning it with our “Special Formula,” and add some Worcestershire and Kikomon Soy Sauce. It will enhance the flavor that much more. As I hear people talking about it, they are using it on steamed vegetables, salads, venison, and all types of exotic meat and fish.
Since we have started marketing our seasoning, I am proud to say that we are in over 600 independent stores, butcher shops, and specialty stores, including our hometown big H.E.B.